Site Manager Profile
C. Thompson
★ '98 #global #ccTLDs #networks (ZDNet/BBC/Slashdot) -🌐-
★ System Administrator, Programmer Livelihood - Bay Area. Some College.
Technology has always been a passion of mine. I have been doing Python, Linux/UNIX admin, maintenance and mission-critical DNS for/from about 10 years. I have a resume available for important successes.
Find me or contact
e-mail 📧🌐: charles.thompson -hollatya-
TikTok: @zonefileyouth
- Instagram: @zonefileyouth
- LinkedIn: @zonefileyouth
- Pinterest: @zonefileyouth
- Facebook: limitsite
- Facebook (personal): zonefileyouth
- Youtube: @zonefileyouth
- Github: @kinesis
Other Blogs - This site, also "" - My entertainment and recreational marijuana hobby place - a site about weed, recreation, style, and culture. - My attempt at selling technology, media computers, and retail MP3's, selling cameras, microSD cards, etc. through Amazon and Best Buy affiliate sales. Where I write about recreation-related content creation.