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Hello. I'm doing GED work as I progress through Cordilleras. I wanted to go to do DevOps here in the Bay Area, but it is somewhat challenging of an acumen to replicate without on-the-job experience. I can present my best at an interview. What I can do is mess around with Github Actions as suggested by some other LinkedIn posters, so maybe I'll come back to it. I'm also considering to get a student status at De Anza College so I can get some financial grant money. If I'm good enough at it and figure out greater comprehension with Vyvanse and my neuro I may even see Stanford University become my reality. As it stands, I've been here for over a decade.

I've been using the books I received from the Conservator's office to lean onward to the standard of code that I want to produce. Last night I did the frenchdeck.py program in the Fluent Python book. Grappling with such large amounts of information is challenging. I was for a short time involved with my 6th Grade Math Workbook doing beginner pre-algebra with some found success. As for work I'm leaning back to DevOps using the tools with Pluralsight.com Premium $45/mo. thanks to Marc C., a kind friend who wants to see me right.

I have a lot of good plans for the blog but am stymied in creating content that is resourceful in the presence of the internet whole.Β  As a conserved person under the Public Guardian's office, I opt to get SSI and use my benefits to break the Substantial Gainful Activity limit after I'm paid. It would be nice to secure rent plus a deposit and get my medication for the condition I have, Vyvanse. I probably need counseling anyway, as to managing the adult ADHD. So, they (Social Security Administration) are correct to pay me a backpay since from October of last year. After Cordilleras I can use a therapist for the best of a way to train myself into a better productivity alongside treatment.

Here's something you can read about my past experience with computers and related technology, as an advancing GED graduate:Β 

Study: 56% of Google’s top three positions are held by ccTLDs (msn.com)

I recommend the book links that I have shared so far. The Python fluent book is a way to improve.Β 

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