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I need more skills I cannot wait for the new computer 💻🔗🙌🏻 I'll be running Peppermint OS or OpenSuSE in dual-boot with the 1 TB USB 3 (3.1 or 3.2. I forget) Gen 2 disk, 1000 mb/sec. I'll put a boot label partition and make the remainder of it a storage space. I'll also utilize Windows 11 Pro's virtualization and WSL features. I should learn Powershell while I'm at it. I'll figure! And don't forget building with Go for cloud use.

I'll be here at Limitsite.com talking about the various things I do as I do "100 Days of DevOps", a modified time adjustment of meeting job objectives for success out of CityDrinker 2016. My resume sells good on Dice, LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter, and Indeed and since I'm past all that I can just move on to the skills. That's the part of the requirement I must feel comfortable with all the accessories to doing my job right. This is DevOps system administrator or Cloud Operations Engineer. I'm ready to go when I get the new machine I'll have 32 GB of RAM to run several Docker containers all the while running Kubernetes to simulate deployments. Tools like JFrog Artifactory are taught on the Youtube so I'll just acclimate to being what DevOps requires and give it my go- Salary work! 

I've been alright just living at the new Cordilleras building. I find it to be very comfortable they give mental health treatment their own shot at independence. It comes with your own apartment and there is ethernet installed. They are generous about snacks and the meals could use a little microwave but that's all. 🍭 Looking forward to getting rid of the Macintosh and I like that it does typing and shell grace really well with the built in Terminal application. I'll just have to carry my attitude for Mac over to PC Linux and give coding a go. 

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