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I got Linux Peppermint OS running in a VMWare Workstation Pro instance. I'm going to be combining use materials with a flexible adaptation I have about my research. I want to do a variety of resourceful things with this software so I can pass interviews easier. So since I hacked the planet like that movie Hackers I wanted some respect for being a millennial of historic value. Contributing my ways to a better technology effect, is about whatever the employer is doing as a business making the share holders justified in their wants/desires. I have been playing Final Fantasy XIV, and it was good. The graphics in that game don't eat more than 1.2GB of 8 GB NVIDIA memory. It would be nice to be a coder, connect with people, and finish my GED.

Many thanks to Dan for fronting me on this machine πŸ§πŸ§πŸ’°. I could not have gotten it during my circumstance scenario involving government and πŸ§‘πŸ»β€βš–οΈ adult health officials. I've been at the Cordilleras building's newly constructed Acacia House, here at Redwood City. Redwood City is home to ISC.org, the makers of the BIND software that I had control over on many different systems while growing up in the Y2K era. The broadband data is okay, I just wish it would turn on every day. Since this is a new building development their IT services management has to work on the network connectivity supposedly going off every few days. In the event the internet is out I ask to use a computer's WiFi, attached to a computer they use for 15 minute sessions of those who don't own a computer (or tablet).

Today I got to play with DeepSeek AI. It made me a blueprint to celestial beings πŸ—ΊοΈπŸͺ ~

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