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- Written by: Charles Thompson (Webmaster)
- Category: My Perspective Internet
- Hits: 395

Two cool domain names transferred out of Dynadot to my Namecheap account. I'm looking forward to what I'll do with these nice names. I already got the name 'medicines.ink', and the transfer process takes a little longer to process 'BYE.CAM'. I want to focus my research on Python with the books, internet, and also other system administrator knowledge requirements. I'm sort've dazed out by atomoxetine, it is strong with fluoxetine 60 mg. I came here mainly to tell that I don't know if I'll be doing this website and its purpose vision. I use LinkedIn for work mainly, but I want to see if I can do the GED test. It is a big test, the GED. I'm interested in developing my profile with other like-minded technologists. In case you didn't know, I'm going to be at Cordilleras mental health recovery center, by the state/county government, for purposes of life management. It is something I never did before, life management.
What it means is I'm getting ready for a new professional setting and I know what it is because I already worked for HMSAV.com back in 2006. I use to play Final Fantasy XI and wear Upper Playground clothes, if anyone knows. My generation is millennial, and I'd do best with other young professionals at a startup or mid-stage company. So, I'm doing pretty good, had some lunch today, it was Chinese, Panda Express to be exact. I have a lot of good ideas, some may need reinforcing as I make educated guesses/decisions on what I'll end up doing. For variety I've desired to start my creative programmer routine, juggling blog with computer software.
I'm using tools bolt.new and Gemini for techniques with code and affiliate marketing. I should see these effects change my life in a few weeks as Geshtu-E opens up shop. I've got some MySQL and PostgreSQL to learn. I found a product for sale, https://thatstraw.gumroad.com/l/infographics-and-notes. It's a skills cheat-sheet pack of Linux/DevOps and shell scripting resources. I found it on X, the username was @sysxplore. I don't know you all, but if you could get in touch give me a ring my contact details are stored here. If you like what I offer here set a bookmark in your browser and get in touch.
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- Written by: Charles Thompson (Webmaster)
- Category: My Perspective Internet
- Hits: 353

I swear it seemed like my MSN.net start page on the Microsoft Edge browser was trying to echo-locate from my consciousness. We at divine lead tech devops industry united did evade and continue to do so. I'm doing alright, things involving my employment are going on hang while I deal with a healthcare dillemma involving covid-19, mental health, homeless sweep laws, and wellness. I left CityDrinker because it wasn't a full salary. I felt like I belonged at Stanford rather than around people from USC (Dan, the "co-worker") and I left to Menlo Park, staying in Mountain View and Palo Alto every so often.
I would get my belts at the Vans store on University Avenue. My homelessness is very real. My family disgraced and left me alone, so I fought for a purpose they left behind. Although I got communication from the step-uncle that sent me here (Peninsula region of the Bay Area), I am not getting any Stanford University affiliation letters from them, right? Perhaps that will come in later. The situation involves some hexadecimal mathematics training plus some self-help learning on Pluralsight or Coursera ("SDLP"). I plan to contribute ideas ("recipes") with Python and 'zsh' that make sense and progress the purpose. The purpose of mastery in programming materials is a first step- all along for delivering meaningful product when I can get it.
Limitsite is a place of craft mastery ⛰
Highlighting with the strength of inclusion. 🎼↖️🙌🏻↖️
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- Written by: Charles Thompson (Webmaster)
- Category: My Perspective Internet
- Hits: 276

You can't beat having a fun dancing episode for TikTok.
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- Written by: Charles Thompson (Webmaster)
- Category: My Perspective Internet
- Hits: 177

What are your thoughts? 🔗⛓📸
Pass/fail on Limitsite? 💼
How is the presentation ✅? I've refined the menu choices on this website (limitsite.tech). It seems like it's looking good as a place to start approaching things, a place where polished handiwork benefits whosoever is interested. It has a Linux custom "purposing" feature section so if I get deeper in methods, I'll lead expert pursuits. With the Hobbyist Computing section, I can share what I assemble in knowledge involving the Darwin BSD "MacOS", SGI IRIX, SunOS, or any other UNIX system for sharing purposes.
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- Written by: Charles Thompson (Webmaster)
- Category: My Perspective Internet
- Hits: 340

Why Limitsite.tech?
Limitsite is my attempt to make myself a success at blogging. It is an awesome signature footprint on my creativity impulses while giving the right purpose standard to fit. By the example use cases given, I find the domain works fine for what I need, and some comparable ones on Namecheap were over $6000. I got a detail eye for deals on this one and it fits so well I'm just at harmony with synchronized music playing the song to the left.
Letting my groove be free
I'll be here sharing things I enjoy, at the Uncategorized of Joomla (Home) Limitsite for now, while striking notions about skills development in a written medium ✏️. I'll be on my GED shortly, which means a dedicated avenue filled with attempts to understand and break down the many ways for bringing successful perspectives (for critical analysis). So, I am Charles Thompson and I'm living in Silicon Valley -- Redwood City, CA to be specific. This is home of ISC.org, the makers of the DNS BIND8 and BIND4 software. That was my playground as a kid 😇. All 11 nations and built in fame by a friend of IRC. Since I am involved in that industry it is rather interesting to be here, although very boring and uneventful given that it is public health-care populace 🪧. I feel like I'm wasting my existence riding through this, but the government owes me about $6000 so far. So, I'm not all that good, given that I need income and proper housing over anything else. Although I've been messaged by two recruiters on LinkedIn, it leaves me saying "No." to opportunity at this time.
I'm wondering if I should have just left Cordilleras? What I come to conclusion on is that they also pay bonuses according to Levels.FYI. However, but to get out of Cordilleras requires a court appearance and defense. I'm opting to just wait it out, on the idea that more jobs will come and that Geshtu-E will cover my confidence. The government cash (SSI, not bonuses) would help me to pass my GED while bulking skill (as to make rejections go away, far away)
I understand the being the element of a successful job candidate. It will take effort to get through the variables. I probably should fight this off and just take the job at LNLL.gov if they were to extend, but my situation means court and legal hassles and I'm getting paid anyway.